Ever eavesdrop on a private voiceover coaching session?

Would you like to? And what if it was free?

Welcome to The Conversational VO Open Studio Series

Live! On Zoom! For Free!

View Upcoming Open Studio

The ConversationalVO Open Studio is your chance to observe for free, a 60 minute live voiceover coaching session, hosted by Hugh P. Klitzke

These experimental seminars will let industry professionals and voiceover talent at all levels learn by observing private conversational voiceover coaching.


  • Each event will feature different voiceover talent and topics.
  • To keep things low-pressure, these sessions will not be recorded.
  • Admission is FREE, but you will need a ticket.

What this is

What you will see and hear

What this is not 

Who this is for

How this will Go


What this is...

This is an experiment. A live experiment.

I attended a Music Conservatory.

One of the most powerful traditions in conservatory training is the Open Studio.

A professor coaches one musician on their instrument while an invited group of students gets to watch.

I wondered how to adapt this idea to VO coaching.

And my talented (and gutsy) voiceover friends agreed to give it try.

These brave voice talent or I might fall on our faces and hilarity could ensue.


Absolutely anything could happen. But the risk is all part of the fun. 

What you will see and hear

The goal of the ConversationalVO Open Studio is to let anyone see the one on one voiceover coaching that goes on behind closed doors. 

Not only will each event have different talent in the hot seat - each session will focus on a different topic.

  • Short scripts

  • Pre-life

  • Anthem scripts

  • Audition feedback

  • Script analysis

  • Voiceover acting

  • Or something else completely

        The Open Studio Sessions will be planned, but unscripted. And with that comes risk. 

What this is not...

The Open Studio Sessions will not be recorded for replay.

And the bar for success will be very low:

  • No gross embarrassment

  • Nobody gets hurt

Physically, psychically, emotionally, or otherwise.

Really simple. 

Who this is for...

The ConversationalVO Open Studio is for technicians, producers, directors, fans, agents, managers, administrators, assistants, but especially voiceover talent who are:


  • Curious about how the work gets done

  • And learn by watching


How this will go...

The ConvoVO Open Studio will be 60 minutes long. 

  • The RSVP code will let you into the Zoom room on the hour

  • We begin 15 minutes later

  • No admissions after we begin

  • The talent in the hot seat will be introduced

  • They will be coached for 30 to 45 minutes

  • And we'll call it good until next time


I can't guarantee what'll happen, but I bet it'll be interesting! 


Hugh P. Klitzke is a voiceover coach, director and producer in New York City. For almost 20 years, Hugh has coached, taught, lectured on and directed the authentic conversational read. He also teaches self-direction and the commercial read, directs auditions and produces demos (amongst other things). Hugh directed over 125,000 auditions in nearly 15 years as the Voiceover Studio Manager at Buchwald, New York.